Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do you currently have any openings
for membership?
A: No, membership is currently full. A small number of slots
open in March of any given year.
Q: Can I get on a wait list?
A: The club does not maintain a wait list. Application forms
are available to take home in December, and can be submitted
beginning at the January meeting.
Q: What are the requirements to become a
A: Applicants must be US citizens and residents of PA; must be
sponsored by a current member in good standing, and attend a monthly members meeting or work night.
Q: Can I get a sponsor if I don't know
any members?
A: Your sponsor vouches for your character and safety. We
recommend that you participate in our public events where you can
get to know members and secure a sponsor.
Q: What events are open to the public?
A: All trap and board shoots are open to the publict. Non-members are also welcome to help out on work
nights and attend social events. Non-members may only attend
monthly members meetings if they have specific business or to
present themselves as applicants for membership.
Q: Can anyone close the range?
A: Any member can close the range if they feel there is a safety
issue and notify the Range Officer as soon as practical. Members or
work contractors can close the range if they are acting with
authority of the Club Officers to perform scheduled or unscheduled
maintenance. In cases of scheduled maintenance every effort will be
made to post the range closure on the clubs website ahead of time.
If you need to close the range and know in advance,
email the Club
Webmaster to get the posting on the Club website home page and